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What is the Cancellation/Refund policy for the Customer Bookings on Snouters?

Snouters is committed to helping partners deliver a great customer experience. To account for scenarios where our customers want to make changes to the Bookings, we have the below platform Cancellation/Refund policy towards customers.


  • Cancellations by Service Provider. If a Service Provider cancels a Booking prior to or during the service period identified in the Booking, we will refund the fees paid by the Service User for Pet Care Services not provided, as well as any service charge paid to Snouters.com. Service Provider cancellations are taken seriously. If you are a Service Provider, you acknowledge that cancellation by you may result in a review of your account and, if we deem it appropriate, suspension or termination of your access to the Snouters.com Service, and/ or a fine which is chargeable at our discretion.
  • Reservation Guarantee. As more fully described on Snouters.com’s Reservation Guarantee page, Snouters.com uses all reasonable efforts to find replacement Service Providers when Service Providers cancel Bookings near the start date of the service period identified in the Booking. The availability of the Reservation Guarantee depends on the timing of the cancellation and the type of Pet Care Services provided; consult the Reservation Guarantee page for details. Generally, if the Reservation Guarantee applies and a Pet Owner accepts a new Booking with a replacement Service Provider, Snouters.com will (with the limited exceptions described below) pay the cost difference between the original Booking and the new Booking, up to but not exceeding 10% of the total cost of the original Booking. However, if a Booking is cancelled by a Service Provider due to the Pet Owner’s failure to provide accurate or complete information regarding the pet or due to the pet’s aggressive behavior, the Pet Owner is responsible for the full cost of any new reservation.
  • Cancellations by Service User. If a Service User cancels a Booking 48 hrs prior to the service period specified in a Booking, a refund will be provided to the Service User for the amount paid, less 20% administration fee charged by Snouters. If a Service User cancels a Booking less than 48 hrs prior to the service period specified in a Booking, no refund will be provided to the Service User. If a Service User cancels a Booking after service period has commenced due to personal reasons such as a trip being cut short, the period that the service has been rendered will need to be paid in full and no refund will be provided for the remaining booking period to the Service User.
  • Refunds for Substandard Services. If we determine in our reasonable discretion that a Service Provider has failed to provide Pet Care Services in accordance with our guidelines and policies on the Site or these terms then we may, in our reasonable discretion, cancel a Booking and issue a full or partial refund to a Service User.
  • General Terms for Cancellations. If you wish to cancel a Booking, you should use the mechanisms available through the Snouters.com Service to do so. For purposes of the policies and terms in this Section, the date of cancelation is the date a user cancels through the Snouters.com Service, regardless of any separate communications between users outside of the Snouters.com Service. In general, Snouters will not provide refunds for any cancellations after the service completion date.
  • Payment Disputes; Snouters.com issues payments to Service Providers 48 hours after completion of a Booking. Once these amounts have been disbursed, any payment disputes are between the Service User and Service Provider, and Snouters.com has no obligation to mediate or facilitate any resolution except for disputes where Snouters is able and/ requested to investigate, in its sole discretion.