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Love playing with Pets?

Apply for Pet Sitter Job and get paid for doing what you love.

How we work

List your services for free

Register for free with our pet boarding services. Our team will verify and help you create your listing.


Choose any time and services you wish to offer

Join the Network

Once listed, sit back and relax while our team connects you with suitable pet parents in your area.

Services you can offer

Pet sitting

Take up a pet sitter job and care for the pets at their own house. Become a pet sitter.

Pet boarding

Take by the pet boarding job to invite the pets to your house and have a furry partner with you overnight.

Dog walking

Boost your health with the company of a dog. Sign up for dog walking jobs that fit your schedule.

What are the benefits of registering with us?

Flexible working hours

Zero investment business.

Additional income.

Flexible working hours according to your convenience

Assistance to set up your business with zero investment

Get to take care of pets of your preference (type, weight, age etc)

Convenient and secondary income​

24*7 support from Team Snouters.

Set your preferences on age, size, and breed that works best for you.

Free Snouters resource materials and guides for a better pet hosting experience.

What Our Hosts Say

It has been incredible hosting with Snouters.The quality of bookings is amazing. I have really enjoyed hosting multiple dogs over the last few months. Would highly recommend to other pet parents. 


I started hosting with Snouters two months back. It has been a very fulfilling experience meeting new pets. The Snouters team is always available and very helpful. It has been such a smooth journey from applying to be a host to taking bookings.


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dog and cat boarding

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Top Cities.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.

Ahmedabad Pet Sitter Job Bangalore Pet Sitter Job New Delhi Pet Sitter Job Hyderabad Pet Sitter Job

Karnataka Pet Sitter Job
Madras Pet Sitter Job
Mumbai Pet Sitter Job

About Snouters Pet Sitter Jobs

“My daughter is 8 years old, she really wants a pet but both me and my husband are working. I became a host with snouters so that I can have pets over on my free days, and when my daughter is old enough maybe we can adopt a pooch.” says one of our beloved hosts. Snouters has not only helped a lot of people find homes for their pets, but we have also tried our best to provide our dog sitters with the experiences and memories that will last forever. “I live alone and during the pandemic I had to work from home. It was so frustrating to sit in one room all day long with absolutely no company. When I started pet sitting with snouters I would usually have a furry friend around for company.” said another pet sitter in bangalore on being asked about their pet sitting experience. 


We are proud to be an organization that operates in every part of India, so no matter where you live, we will be more than happy to welcome you to our pet sitter family. Pet sitter job on Snouters is an ideal dream job for any pet lover. We want our customers to receive the best pet sitting services and to ensure that every dog sitter or cat sitter has to go through a selection process, but it is nothing that a pet lover cannot do. You can list down your own preferences, your dos and don’ts, the rules of your house, and there you go, you are all set for your first booking. You can manage your own calendar and of course you have all the rights to deny a booking if it does not match with your schedule. We ensure that there is good communication between the dog sitter and the customer so that every booking becomes easy and enjoyable. The only hard part is that you are going to miss your guests a lot. We provide our hosts with flexibility to choose between pet sitting and pet boarding. If you do not want to host a pet overnight you can very easily choose the pet sitting option. Not just that, but you can also set your own prices and earn just as easily. 


“I have two dogs at home and through Snouters I was able to connect to other pet parents. I am able to earn a decent income through Snouters pet sitting jobs and pet boarding jobs. Not just me but my pets have also made some amazing friends” said one of our dog sitters on being asked what they like the most about being a host with us. “My kids used to be so scared of dogs but now they can’t wait for a new guest to come over.” said another one of our pet sitters in Mumbai . No matter where you are from or what reason you have to become a pet sitter with us, we assure you that we will try our best to make your experience here wonderful. We have 200+ pet sitters in our family and we are so excited to make you a part of it. We can’t wait to have you onboard with us. 


Apply immediately if you would like to be considered for our pet sitter or cat sitter or dog sitter jobs in Bangalore, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Noida, Delhi, Chennai.

Have more questions on why you should take up a Pet Sitter Job or Dog Sitter Job with Snouters ?