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Pets for mental health and how it impacts your lifestyle

By: Kathleen Beatriz Lapig

Indeed, A Man’s Best Friend- Pets For Mental Health 

At one point in our lives, we question ourselves with this: “Why did I get a dog anyway?” 

“Why did I adopt that ginger cat?” 

Is it for companionship? Is it because we seek love? 

Is it because we are lonely? Maybe its because pets for mental health are one of the best ways to reduce stress, anxiety and increase endorphins.

It is not always the first time hearing about a tear jerker story about a pet and its owner. Every one of us has something we can share. Pets for mental health are a blessing. 

In a growing world where change is inevitable, our mental health is something that we are not having a full grasp of. Sometimes it slips away, sometimes, it crumbles, and sometimes we need help to fix and make it better again. 

Pets for mental health are one of the reasons why we have a dog. Pet makes great companions. They love us, they listen, they make us happy, and they make us believe in ourselves again. And pets for mental health is not a new story for the community. 

pets for mental health

Your favorite pet may have played a role in your mental health, from soothing you after a tough day to propping you up when it feels like no one understands—being with you on a night when you think about how life constantly moves on its own accord. 

If you are thinking about getting a new pet, whether for companionship or as part of an emotional recovery process, we have put together this helpful advice. 

Caring for a pet can help our mental health in many ways, including:

Increasing your physical activity. Dog owners will likely take their pets for a walk or run daily. This can be a fun way to fit exercise into your routine, providing companionship. 

Pets can give you a sense of security and someone to share the day with. Caring for them can help you feel wanted and needed. This can be especially valuable for older people or those who live alone. 

You are reducing anxiety. A pet’s companionship can help ease your stress, boosting self-confidence. Pets can be great listeners, offer unconditional love, and would not criticize you. This can help your self-confidence, especially if you feel isolated or misunderstood, helping you meet new people. Dog owners often stop and chat with each other on walks. 

But other pets can be a way to meet people too: in pet shops, training classes, or online groups, for example, adding structure to your day. Feeding, exercising, and caring for a pet can help you keep to a daily routine, which can help you feel more grounded and focused. It can give your day purpose and a sense of achievement.

Pets can sometimes make life far better. 

Most experts agree that pets for mental health are a positive association between pets and humans and have been the driving force behind the growth of animal therapy practices across the country. These therapies appear to provide emotional support, entertainment, and mental stimulation. 

Pets have been our companions and healers, bringing love and laughter to everyone they touch. Pets are wonderful companions and improve our lives in many ways. 

Did you know that when dogs love you as much as you love them, it’s good for your mental health? Pets are our rock stars, and we love them even more for it. 

Pets that have changed your life are adorable, loving, comforting, and rewarding companions who make life worth living. 

Pets for mental health can decrease blood pressure and heart rate, maintain healthy body weight, reduce stress, and lower blood sugar. 

Pets for mental health can also improve your self-esteem and help you to cope with challenging feelings. I’ve had my pets for as long as I can remember, and they have helped me through my life. 

The animals I have had have taught me so much: unconditional love, jumping in puddles and catching them on your head without fear of getting wet, and even a few tricks! 

Pets for mental health are often the reason we have pets. 

You can share it with your loved ones for many years, which is always a source of happiness. Pets for mental health are such a blessing in this world, don’t you think so? 

Have you ever had a pet who changed your life? Share your pet story with us with the hashtag #Petsformentalhealth!